Acne Treatment Clinic Mississauga
Acne is a very common skin problem, and there’s no better place to get treatment than O’Neill Cosmetic Dermatology in Mississauga.
Do you think acne is caused by dirt, diet or poor hygiene? No! Acne is due to hormones stimulating oil glands. The oil glands enlarge, produce oil, and plug the pores causing acne. Blackheads, whiteheads, pimples and cysts can occur, with the face, neck, shoulders, back, chest and upper arms most affected. Although acne usually starts in the teenage years, adult acne occurs also. Monthly hormonal changes, stress, certain medications and oil-based cosmetics can stimulate breakouts.
What we can do- Acne and Blemish Treatment in Mississauga
Mild to moderate acne can often be controlled without prescription medications. Our medical aestheticians can get you started on a skin care program incorporating correct cleansing, use of therapeutic skin care products, acne extractions, acne facials, chemical peel or microdermabrasion.
What is Acne?
Acne is the most common skin condition seen by doctors. At puberty, the sebaceous glands begin producing more sebum (oil) in response to the rise in hormones. This excess sebum, combined with dead skin cells, causes the pores in the skin to become plugged. These plugs are seen as blackheads and whiteheads, which a dermatologist calls a comedone. This blockage of the pore, combined with bacteria in the skin, leads to inflammation (swelling and redness) resulting in pimples and pustules. Deeper inflammation causes cysts and nodules.
Most teenagers will get some form of acne. However adults may also develop acne or have their adolescent acne continue into adulthood. Acne is most often seen on the face, chest, shoulders and back. Acne affects males and females, and all skin types and colors. Acne can be disfiguring and emotionally upsetting.

Stages of Acne
Grade 1 Acne = blackheads and whiteheads
Grade 2 Acne = small red bumps, called papules
Grade 3 Acne = pustules (a red bump with a white or yellowish pus filled centre)
Grade 4 Acne = deep cysts, nodules and scarring

The severity of acne determines the treatment program. Milder acne can usually be treated with topical products. Our patients from Mississauga, Oakville and the surrounding areas will be recommended products individualized to their needs. We may suggest extractions, medical grade chemical peels, microdermabrasion or a customized acne facial to optimize your daily skincare program.
Acne Triggers
There are several factors which may cause acne to flare up. These triggers vary from person to person. You can help control your acne by avoiding things which you notice cause your acne to worsen:
- Cosmetics -Hair care products and makeup can clog pores. Look for the terms “non-comedogenic”, or “non-acnegenic” or “oil-free” on the label to be certain you are choosing an acne friendly product. Remove your cosmetics every night with a gentle soap or cleanser.
- Sweating -Excessive sweating, especially if trapped under clothing which is damp, may worsen acne. This sweating may occur on the job site or with exercise. Moisture wicking clothing may help this trigger.
- Medications -Certain drugs may cause acne to flare including oral corticosteroids (eg. prednisone), Lithium, some anti-seizure drugs, some oral contraceptive pills with higher progesterone, androgens (eg. testosterone), barbiturates, bromide and iodide.
- Physical pressure -Pressure from a sports helmet, chin strap (think hockey or football), shoulder pads, headband or other tight fitting clothing can cause acne at the point of skin contact.
- Menstrual cycle – Many girls and women notice their acne flares near their monthly period.
- Squeezing or picking acne -When you squeeze, the sebum and bacteria are forced further into the skin surrounding the pimple. This causes more swelling, redness and possible infection or scarring.
- Diet- Acne is not caused by pop, chocolate or fried foods!. However, if a certain type of food seems to aggravate your acne, I suggest you avoid it for a 6 month trial period. A low glycemic diet may help decrease acne for some patients.
- Cleansing -Washing your skin often does not cure acne. I recommend a gentle medical grade cleanser and warm water once or twice a day. Depending on your skin type, I may recommend exfoliating once or twice a week. Your skin type and the climate will impact the cleaning routine you require.

Treatment of Acne Scars

O’Neill Cosmetic Dermatology has a number of options to help you with acne scarring.
- Skin resurfacing using Venus Viva or Pearl Fractional laser
- Microneedling
- Microdermabrasion
- Medical grade chemical peels
- Dermal fillers to elevate some scars
- Intralesional steroids to flatten some scars
- Topical creams to fade brown marks
Our Mississauga Acne Clinic is the top choice in Mississauga, Oakville and Etobicoke for improving your acne scars.
We know skin!
We look forward to helping you achieve control of your acne, and achieve beautiful, smooth skin.
Providing you with an individualized comprehensive skin health program.
Get In Touch
Dr. Karen O’Neill, FRCPC
Cosmetic Dermatologist
2145 Dunwin Drive, Unit 6
Mississauga ON, L5L 4L9
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