We in southern Ontario are enduring a classic cold and snowy winter. I am the eternal optimist wishing for early spring. It’s time to start thinking of your skin’s “Spring Preview”. Beautiful skin needs planning and preparation starting now.

Make sure your morning routine includes a sunscreen: I suggest a minimum SPF 30. Add an antioxidant serum under your sunscreen to
boost it’s effectiveness. As the days become warmer, you may consider a lighter consistency for your moisturizer or night cream. I find most of us can tolerate stronger exfoliating agents and more frequent use of retinol products as the humidity rises.

Want to get rid of your brown freckles, broken blood vessels and improve your pores? Book a series of Intense Pulsed Light treatments. Also known as IPL or photorejuvenation, this is a safe and effective way to create an even skin tone. Want to freshen up your complexion? Microdermabrasion or chemical peels may be the solution.

Tired of worrying about unwanted hair? Laser hair removal is the answer.

Looking to hydrated, glowing, smoother and plumper skin? Beauty Booster treatments are the answer.

My staff and I are ready to help. Contact our office to book a cosmetic consultation.

(905) 820-7546
O'Neill Dermatology

Call us with all your questions!
(905) 820-7546